Mar 22, 2010

New: Tiling Twitter background! (two sizes)

Side note: Happy Birthday to LOST's Tania Raymonde! (Alex Rousseau)

(click on pics for full resolution, and see instructions below)

1. Small Version
2. Regular version

We're mixing it up a little today. All the other Twitter backgrounds I've done here have been "non-tiling". This is the first (I don't know if it will be the last) tiling background. It comes in two sizes; I personally like the smaller one, but your preference really depends on what size monitor you're looking at everyday.

Here's how you apply it: In the Settings menu, under design, simply choose the saved file, then click on the "tile background" option, as seen below. Then save your changes and you're done.

As a reference, this is what the difference in size looks like (click for full size):


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